Reliable systems for controlling, monitoring and indicating the condition of aircraft systems, engine and assemblies. High number of sensors and power elements. Enhanced operational safety and reduction of operating costs. Certified software.
The scope of this field is very broad. The common factor in all the applications is the control unit for controlling, monitoring or only for the indication of a certain system, engine, assembly, etc.
The examples of applications are the control of auxiliary power units running, starting and monitoring of aircraft engine parameters, power supplies, control of heating systems and air conditioning on the aircraft, etc. The units work very often with a high number of sensors and power elements. In the case of processor versions, the units are equipped with certified software.
The system of limiters of M601 engine parameters on the L410 M aircraft or on the L410 UVP aircraft, which was extensively modified long-term, it is historically the oldest one. In general, the M601 engine is equipped with the system of limiters of limiting parameters that prevents from exceeding the allowed parameters. The system visually informs when exceeding the allowed values of torque, generator speed, propeller speed and inter-turbine temperature, subsequently the system intervenes and limits the actual values.
Starting and Limiting Unit of GE H80 engine
Possibility of testing individual functional circuits
The starting and limiting unit of the GE H80 engine, the so-called SALM 601 unit, monitors the following parameters: generator speed, propeller speed, inter-turbine temperature of gases, rate of temperature increase of gases and shaft torque.