The MS1000L product is a MEMS capacitive accelerometer based on a bulk micro-machined silicon element specifically designed for highest stability.
The product is low power, fully calibrated, robust up to 6000 g and extremely stable.
Free-of-export control, MS1000L is the best compromise between cost, performance and reliability.
In-run bias stability (Allan Variance @ 10 s): 15 μg (10g, typ)
Low Noise: 34μg / √Hz (10g range)
Extremely robust : up to 6000g
-55°C to +125°C Linear bias
Full Scale Acceleration: up to +/- 100g
Bias Temperature Coeff: +/- 5 mg /°C
Noise in band: 3.5 ppm/√Hz of full scale
In run bias stability
(Allan Var. @ 10s): 1.5 ppm of full scale
Operating Power Consumption: 10 mW
Operating Temperature: -40°C to +125°C
Size: 9×9 mm2
Built-In Self-Test Function
The built-in self-test mode generates a square wave signal on the device outputs (OUTP & OUTN) and can be used for device failure detection. This can be helpful to prevent system faults before they occur.