Master Bond MasterSil 323S-LO is a two component, silver filled silicone with superb electrical conductivity along with very convenient processing. Both Parts A and B have smooth, paste consistency. The mix ratio is a user friendly 1 to 1 by weight. The working life for a 20 gram mass is 2 to 3 hours. The best cure schedule options are 8-12 hours at 130-150°F, 4-6 hours at 160 to 180°F or 2-3 hours at 190 to 210°F. The system has low shrinkage upon curing and reasonably good dimensional stability for a silicone system.
MasterSil 323S-LO has good adhesion to many materials including metals, ceramics, glass, composites as well as many types of rubber and plastics. Perhaps its most impressive feature is its flexibility and elongation. Consequently, it can withstand aggressive thermal cycling as well as mechanical and thermal shocks. Its paste consistency allows it to be easily applied as an adhesive, sealant or coating. Since it is an addition cured system it cures readily in thicknesses up to and beyond 1/4 inch thick. Both Parts A and B contain silver and appear that way in color. The service temperature range is -80°F to +400°F. MasterSil 323S-LO is most likely to be considered in aerospace, electronic, opto-electronic and specialty OEM applications, where excellent electrical conductivity, resounding flexibility, high temperature resistance and low outgassing, are necessary requirements.
Product Advantages
Thick paste consistency
Long working life
Will cure in thicker sections
Superior conductivity
Vacuum compatible