The BOREAL LAB meets the requirements of research laboratories seeking to test and validate their innovative equipment, including prototypes. Our UAV enables the integration of one or more sensors and payloads. The system can be customized, and additional equipment such as attachment points and aerials can be integrated. The design of our aircraft enables very stable flights in challenging environments, including turbulence, precipitation, and strong winds.
Our BOREAL LAB systems are highly sought after by organizations such as Météo France, the Laboratoire d’aérologie (French Aerology Laboratory), the CNES (French National Centre for Space Studies), and the ONERA (French National Office for Aerospace Studies and Research), and are regularly operated both in France and abroad. BOREAL is an experienced with numerous missions worldwide, including Barbados, Bulgaria, Greece, Finland, Reunion Island, Guyana, and Switzerland, and is a major reference in the field of scientific and meteorological measurements collected by UAVs.