The embedded active road weather sensor ARS31-UMB detects freezing temperatures independently from de-icing materials and is easy to maintain through its two parted housing…
The active road sensor ARS31 is installed flush with the road/runway surface and calculates the freezing temperature by means of active cooling and heating of the sensor surface. The freezing temperature measurement is independent of mixture. The two-section housing design allows the combined sensor/electronics unit to be removed for maintenance purposes at any time, in just a few minutes. In conjunction with interface converter 8160.UISO, the sensor can be built into new and existing UMB networks. Passive sensor IRS31 and active sensor ARS31 can be combined without difficulty, in fact this is recommended. The sensors are addressable and hence can be networked.
Parameters measured:freezing point
Measurement technology:active cooling and heating (Peltier element)
Product highlights:Two part housing design allows easy maintenance/re-calibration, low energy consumption allows solar operation, freezing point determined independently from de-icing material
Replaceable sensor/electronics
Simulation of critical surface conditions in the avery near future
Mixture-independent measurement
Analog outputs in combination with 8160.UDAC
For winter maintenance operators as part of road weather stations on roads, motorways, highways (municipalities, federal states and provinces)
For smart cities
For airports, installed on runway as important part of the IDS (ice detection system).