The Model LD-4 DME Control Panel is a natural addition to the well-equipped avionics lab desiring to service DME with Area Navigation Systems.
A four inch, 0-30 voltmeter and a four inch, 0-10 amp meter are provided for monitoring voltage and current. A panel mounted jack is provided for AC monitoring.
The panel will operate 14 VDC, 28 VDC, and 115 VAC units. Voltage inputs, (14/28VDC, 26VDC, and 115VDC) fusing and control facilities are provided. Voltage control is accomplished by relay and the ON-OFF selector. ON-OFF state is indicated by the power indicator.
The latest 200 channel frequency controls are provided including the new slip code. The DME-RNAV selector and the Data Patch facilities are provided for RNAV/DME testing during RNAV operation.
Audio output is terminated in a closed circuit jack with a phone load resistor. The load is automatically removed when external connections are made.
Stand-by, Override, Test, and Fan disable controls are incorporated for use with those units designated to use these types of controls.