Designed for demanding applications, the Zephyr II Blue 3D scanner performs accurate and fast measurements. The blue laser is optimized for reflective surfaces or even dark parts. 3D scanners Zephyr II can be integrated on any system: measuring arm, CMM, or even robot.
Fast scanning speed
Easy scanning of reflective surfaces
Automatic settings
Compatible with high-resolution counting scales
Hard probe and touch probe (TP2/TP20/TP200) integration
Zephyr II Blue attached to Ace arm measuring arm provides a high accuracy scanning solution. This package, fully designed for performance, is dedicated to shiny parts scanning. When being combined with the Ace arm, the scanner is housed in black and red and perfectly matches the design of the Ace in order to create a sophisticated, streamlined design.
Machine specifications
Machine interface - Articulated arms, CNC, machine tools, manual and driven CMMs
Renishaw compatibility - MIH,PH10 T, PH10M/MQ Multiwire and IS1-2
Probe compatibility under the scanner - Hard probe, Renishaw TP 2/20/200
Typical probing error (MPEp) - 10 µm
Multi-stylus test accuracy (MPEal) - 15 µm
PC communication - USB