REIDsteel have recently completed work on the new Rizon Jet MRO hangar and fixed base operation (FBO) at Biggin Hill Airport, London.
The contemporary and stylish aircraft terminal is now the Rizon Jet European Base, and covers a total area of 13,000m2.
Rizon Jet’s stunning new two-level FBO / VIP Terminal has been designed to cater for an international clientele mainly from Europe and the Middle East. The ground floor level features five open seating areas and the mezzanine floor offers enclosed lounge areas with two private lounges for clients as well as a crew lounge with work stations and a dedicated rest area. The FBO / VIP Terminal features REIDsteel silicone glazed curtain walling with circular and ‘stadium’ shaped automatic sliding doors.
The MRO hangar is equipped with a REIDsteel electrically operated hangar door, providing an entrance 59.6m wide x 10.2m high, as well as four crane beams to support two REIDsteel underslung cranes. The cranes have a span of 36.5m and a down-shop length of 88m, and are controlled by remote control.
Hangar Details
Span: 89m
Length: 40m
Hangar Doors: Six slabs on three tracks.
Slab: 14.9m high x 9.6m wide
REIDsteel elements
bullet point Structural Design / Detailing
bullet point Structural Steelwork
bullet point Roof & Wall Cladding
bullet point Erection of All Elements
bullet point Hangar Doors
bullet point Automatic Entrance Doors
bullet point Steel Exit Doors
bullet point Aluminium Curtain Walling