Aviation ground support equipment is often affected by such factors as sight, weather, specific position, human, work efficiency and other factors in support of aircraft operations all the time, which brings many economic losses. It is a potential risk that threatens the safety of civil aviation aircraft. It happens that the equipment bumps into the plane from time to time. With the wide application of new materials (new composite materials) in new aircraft and the rapid development of civil aviation industry, the harm of contact impact to aircraft is becoming more and more serious, so it is very important to solve this problem.
It is clearly put forward by IATA that when the ground support equipment of the contact type airport is docked with the aircraft, the safety deceleration monitoring system should be installed to enhance the reliability and safety of the equipment to the aircraft so as to avoid the contact impact as far as possible in 2016. It is clearly stipulated for aircraft damage prevention requirements in the International Civil Aviation Transport Association Airport Handling Manual that: GSE equipment manufacturers should continuously improve their equipment design in order to eliminate the possibility of aircraft damage. The National Civil Aviation Administration Safety Supervision Office and Beijing Capital Airport have taken the lead in introducing new performance standards for special vehicle safety protection devices.