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Baggage check-in kiosk
floor-standingfor airport

baggage check-in kiosk
baggage check-in kiosk
baggage check-in kiosk
baggage check-in kiosk
baggage check-in kiosk
baggage check-in kiosk
baggage check-in kiosk
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for airport


Passengers check-in is the most important stage of technological service. It is exactly the stage when commercial load of aircraft is being formed and that means profit of passenger terminal. Besides, promptness of check-in considerably determines general efficiency of passenger terminal and passengers’ ability to bring non-aeronautical revenue to the airport — the quicker and simpler check-in will be the more prolonged time passengers will have for visiting shops, cafes and restaurants. For passengers check-in is often an unpleasant process, especially if they have special needs, travel with skis or bicycle, little kid or dog. Properly organized technology of passenger terminal and its core — passenger check-in and departure control system IS-DCS — helps to service such passengers quickly. The main goal of IS-DCS system is to increase efficiency of passengers’ check-in, control over loading of aircraft and preparation of commercial documentation. IS-DCS system deals with the following tasks: Passenger and reservation lists management Printing of boarding passes and baggage tags Finding seats for passengers in the cabin of aircraft Control of loading and weight and balance calculation Control of passengers’ boarding an aircraft Preparation of commercial documentation for aircraft’s departure Receiving and sending standard IATA messages Peculiarities of the system that are worthy to pay attention to: Average time of passenger and baggage check-in — less than 1 minute checkin_free Free passenger and baggage check-in at any counter or self-service kiosk easy_interface The system is built by people and for people so it has a simple and friendly interface
*Prices are pre-tax. They exclude delivery charges and customs duties and do not include additional charges for installation or activation options. Prices are indicative only and may vary by country, with changes to the cost of raw materials and exchange rates.