The Colibri2 is a dual EO-IR stabilized caméra built for professionals needing a quality caméra for day and night use. Weighing in at 180 grams [6.3 oz). the Colibri2 offers excellent Image quality and sharpness to capture detalled Imagery. such as llcense plates and faces.
•Zoom : x20 ♦ x2 digital (total x40)
•FOV : 60* WFOV - 3* WFOV - 1.5* DFOV
•Thermal Resolution : 640x480
•Pitch FOR: -45* to +90*
•Roll FOR: -180* to +180*
•Weight : 180 grams [6.3 oz.)
•Dimensions : 53mm [2.099 x Height=81mm [3.2