Indra Avitech provides you with full SWIM compliant solutions to bring your operations to the highest level of efficiency while following all ICAO GANP / ASBUs, SESAR and NextGen principles.
The aviation industry has SWIM as a common goal, a complex concept to understand and to follow. What makes us special is that we really get it!
This is why we can help you to implement the right solutions and make you one of the first to take an important step towards the implementation of SWIM. In order to achieve that, we bring together stakeholders able to exchange information in a standardized and interoperable manner, fostering shared situational awareness and collaborative decision-making.
We supply top performing systems that allow you to securely share information when and where it is required on a system-wide basis, with data being personalized, filtered and accessed as needed – tailored exactly to your individual requirements.
Indra Avitech SWIM Profile
The only available complete Civil and Military SWIM Solution including interoperability
Interoperability to European Union Network Manager
AIXM 5.1, FIXM 4.0, IWXXM 1.0/2.0
Server backwards compatibility
Compliant to the OGC WFS v2.0 specification, being the only reference implementation in ATM.
Indra Avitech SWIM Technology
Since 2005 Indra Avitech has been gradually developing a SWIM solution which conforms to the SWIM software architecture requirements of the EU ATM Masterplan, and the ICAO Manual on SWIM Concept (Doc 10039-AN/511).
Our unique SWIM Product integrates seamlessly AIM Services, ATM Services, MET Services, and SWIM Messaging using a service-oriented approach.