The high-speed option is available for any of the Imatek range of impact testers, to greatly enhance understanding of the behaviour of a specimen as it undergoes an impact. Imatek offer a fully integrated system under the control of the ImpAcqt software. This is used to both control the camera and analyse the resulting video sequence
Key features:
Selection from the software of camera frame rate and camera capture area.
�Live� video window for camera set-up.
Automatic selection of the camera capture, time based on the sweep time of data acquisition.
Automatic triggering of the camera at the same time as data acquisition.
Automatic control of lighting to switch lights on during the impact event (with user-defined warm-up time). Manual override possible for setting up the camera.
Automatic saving of captured video with in same file as test data.
Removal of video sequence from test data (delete or save to separate .AVI file).
Add existing video (.AVI file) to test data.
Correlation between video frames and acquired impact data.
On-screen display of video frame linked to graph cursor, or manual frame selection.
Multiple on-screen video displays possible, showing images from multiple data sets or multiple graph cursors.
On screen display of video sequence, selectable play-back speed.
Manual co-ordinate extraction from video frames, using cross-hair or graticule.
Procedure for calibrating distances (x, y) in video frames.
Extraction of measurements (vertical, horizontal, arbitrary angles) from video frames; automatic insertion into results table.