Following the success of the company IBIS AIRCRAFT S.A. with Light Sport Aircraft, in their models: IBIS Urraco GS-501 LSA and IBIS Magic GS-700 LSA-ULM, which are seen in Colombia the best airplanes in the market, the company enters the market for larger aircraft loading, wider to a greater number of occupants and high performance.
Thus, in mid-2006, born the new production line at the plant IBIS AIRCRAFT S.A., The GRAND MAGIC GS-750, an evolution of Magic GS-700 LSA, an experimental aircraft of four (4) seats, which powerplants can operate from 180 to 210 HP, with higher load capacity, capable of takeoffs and landings in critical locations, high quality and performance, designed with the highest engineering and comfort to satisfy all its users.
After highly successful tests, processes are under standardization and mass production for this new line in IBIS and satisfy national and international levels..