Sintesis, Iacobucci HF new trolley line represents the perfect blend of key innovative elements with product robustness, lightweight, modularity and customization. NELI, Non Electrical Insert products, are the milestones of company’s history and the aviation industry.
Lightweight: the new product Sintesis, only 14,9 Kg in weight for the full size and 10Kg for the half size
Robustness: since 1972 the company’s trolleys have lead the industry for robustness and durability.
Innovative: the Iacobucci HF patented new Double Latch is an innovative solution in the market which allows the product to perform best in every galley.
Customization: new Sintesis line offer infinite possibilities of customization
Modularity: company’s trolleys have been designed with the highest level of modularity possible.
The trolleys and standard units are realized by Iacobucci HF Aerospace.