High-quality multi-channel analysis using native signal processing
Batch and Rapid processing options
Continuous queue- and priority-based operation
User selectable frequency bandwidths
Frequency decomposition against any available reference parameter
Worldwide connectivity – Thin Client/Server Architecture
Fully interactive processing task configuration and control
Remote control and interrogation
Multi-user access
Aurora-Tornado is part of the Aurora Analysis system, an integrated analysis platform that provides all the tools and capabilities required for summary and detailed analysis of both time and frequency domain data from a single application window.
The Aurora-Tornado is the primary application for processing the raw dynamic data to generate calibrated processed files which can be viewed and interrogated in the Aurora-DataViewer module. Aurora-Tornado can be used to generate either time-domain or frequency-domain calibrated data and can be used to process a single request or to batch process multiple requests from multiple users.
The Aurora-Tornado system provides a stand-alone data analysis server at the centre of a network of user workstations (or can be run on a single laptop remotely from base). The processing engine at the heart of the Tornado turns raw (ADCs) time-domain data into meaningful results in either the time or frequency domains. The processing applies relevant calibrations to the data and then re-samples the data to the frequency bandwidth requested by the user. FFT processing is then performed for frequency domain jobs, where the FFTs are located against the specified reference channel and/or with a prescribed overlap.