The EuroNav 7 is a Level C certified Moving Map, Situational Awareness and Mission Management System. It has been designed from the outset as a robust, capable and highly flexible integrated system that interfaces to a wide range of avionics, sensors and communications devices. The EuroNav 7 software is running on the powerful RN7 or RN7CM (cockpit mounted) hardware.
Certified to ETSO-C165a, ETSO-C194 HTAWS
Compliant to: Software RTCA/DO-178B Level C, Hardware RTCA/DO-254 Level C, RTCA/DO-160 F
Moving Map, Situational Awareness, Mission Management
HTAWS - Helicopter Terrain Awareness and Warning System
Highly flexible system based on modular architecture
Main Benefits
The EuroNav 7 system is unbeaten in terms of interoperability and interfacing capabilities. Using modular hardware modules and a configurable software structure allows to add capabilities beyond any other mission system on the market. The system interfaces to virtually any third-party avionics system on board (FMS, TCAS, AIS, DF, WxR, EOS, etc.) to complete the layers of interactive information for the operator. Due to the modularity and the wide range of interfaces, the EuroNav 7 can be easily installed in nearly every cockpit environment – as retro-fit or new installation.
Dual Head capability - Two independent graphics outputs and controls
High-End Moving Map - 2D and 3D state-of-the-art GIS engine
Interoperability - Visualization and control of a broad range of third party avionics systems
Future Growth: Spare interfaces can be activated on demand and optional HW & SW modules can be activated