Set up seats and stretchers, add your rescue, medical or any other gear you use and create equipment configurations for any helicopter and mission you fly.
A crew database supports quick selection of flight crews as well as medical, rescue and any other personnel on board.
Automated passenger and cargo weight distribution assist with a swift loading process.
HeliEFB App - Load Manifest
Weight & Balance, Load Manifest, e‑Signature
Weight & balance (W&B) and center of gravity (CG) is tracked from departure to zero fuel and triggers a warning whenever a limit is exceeded.
Comprehensive load manifests can be created instantly and e‑signed if required.
HeliEFB App - Performance
All the Performance you need
Get the performance information you need for any flight manual performance chart your operation requires, like HIGE, HOGE, HEC, ROC, CAT A and more.
Performance calculations are fully automated and based on current METAR reports.
Flight Planning designed for Helicopters
HeliEFB’s rapid, mission-oriented flight planning process is designed for helicopter operations and includes:
Your helipads & landing zones
Coordinates based ops
Stationary ops
Hoist ops
External load ops
Local SAR / search pattern
Hot loading