EO/IR stabilized camera with a high-resolution (HD) thermal image, 80x visual zoom, object tracking, recognition, and geolocation.
Field-proven stabilized camera
The Raptor is a dual EO-IR stabilized camera turret crafted for long-range observation applications that demand very low weight. Embodying technology innovations, The Raptor provides unmatched capabilities. This sensor is part of a range of EO/IR sensors that are leading in the field of micro stabilized gimballed cameras for commercial, industrial, and security applications.
More than an EO/IR sensor
The Raptor provides EO/IR object tracking, geolocation, video compression, IP Streaming, video recording, LTE, and license plate recognition capabilities.
EO/IR object tracking
Geolocation - GPS metadata
IP/LTE encrypted streaming
License plate recognition
Object tracking and geolocation
EO/IR object tracking points the camera to track a subject within the camera’s range, ensuring the object of interest never leaves the view.
Geolocation captures the position of the camera, its line of sight, and extracts the location of observed objects with unprecedented accuracy.
Long-range operation
Video compression and IP encapsulation provide significantly low latency compression enabling long-range operation.
The Raptor can record high-quality video with GPS metadata attached and keeps snapshots to a MicroSD card for simple access.