Make use of your competitive advantages! The 5 axis machining center HSTM with horizontal component orientation is particularly suitable for the machining of turbine and compressor blades, blisks/impellers and/or radial compressor fans. The slide-ways have been inclined at an angle of 45° to the front to ensure an optimum mass distribution, excellent loading possibilities and an excellent view of the working area.
Precision and economics
Where the attainable accuracies and surface qualities are concerned, the HSTM even exceeds the highest demands for modern blade machining. Continuous maximum productivity is ensured by its sturdiness and rigidity, as well as by the integration of an HSC-support.
Extreme adaptability
The compact construction of the machine permits a rapid and flexible installation at the customer plant – without any special requirements as to the nature of the floor foundation. The machine consists of a one-piece base, where all units have been arranged in an ideal way for the machining of horizontally clamped components.
The HSTM-series stands for:
Excellent up-time
High static and dynamic rigidity
Thermo-stability in all axes
Modular construction
Ergonomic design
Motor spindles with high speed and strong torque
Utmost machine dynamics for a short component machining time