With Multigrind® Horizon, we reconceptualized grinding software from the ground up. The result is software that thinks along with you instead of telling you what you can do and makes our high-tech grinding machines into real experts. Horizon helps you to program, grind and reproduce your workpiece – in a faster and more flexible manner than you can imagine.
Flexibility that only knows your limits.
Hob cutters today, plunge-in inserts tomorrow – our grinding software is as powerful as your imagination. Give it free rein – because Multigrind® Horizon enables the combination of individual workpiece elements, making everything possible. While others are still programming to determine the dimensions of the features, you only have to enter the variables or have them read in. Thanks to individual combination and parameterization options, you remain flexible and produce exactly the workpiece you need – faster and more precisely than ever before.
Make things easy for yourself
The most intelligent software is useless if the options for operation are not as smart as the program itself. Application standards, such as uniform language, are applied consistently throughout our grinding software. Thanks to the clear user interface, you always have an overview and control over individual process components. Multigrind® Horizon gives you direct feedback when entering parameters, enabling simple and immediate intervention in the machining process instead of only at the end as is usual.
Always up to date.
Quarterly software releases keep your software up to date. Multigrind® Horizon is constantly being further developed in order to have the solution for tomorrow ready today.