The BAGWARE suite of software includes a comprehensive, secure range of baggage handling system control, tracking, sortation, visualization, and information software modules to provide real-time bag traceability and full baggage handling system low-level and high-level control.
Sortation, Allocation, Control (SAC) software – provides full sortation and flight allocation of outbound baggage as well as bag screening status and management through the five levels of hold bag screening controls.
Compliant with IATA resolution 753, BAGSORT interfaces with airline Departure Control Systems (DCS) including industry-standard SITA BagMessage and ARINC BagLink and synchronizes with the Airport Information System flight also interfacing with the Flight Information Display System (FIDS) to access the most up to date flight information.
Extended baggage sortation options range from carrier and basic flight sorting to any combination of flight, class, destination, and on-carriage flight sorting allowing the operator the ability to fine-tune and adjust the allocation of chutes or make-up carousels through a simple, ergonomic interface.
BAGWARE provides real-time traceability of each bag reducing the number of delayed/lost bags and ensuring compliance with screening mandates.
BAGVIEW is the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) solution allowing operators to monitor and control the baggage handling system components in real-time via a dynamic BHS visualization and intuitive interface.
BAGVIEW allows access to manage alarms and faults along with logging data and events. Reports can be generated, displayed, and exported in HTML or Excel.