G150Z Gyro represents Gladiator’s breakthrough gyro technology enabling an ultra low noise MEMS gyro and bandwidth of 200Hz that has performance commensurate with much more expensive small RLG’s and small open loop FOG’s. The G150Z also features industry leading bias in-run and bias over temperature.
Designed for commercial stabilization and aircraft applications, the gyro has a bipolar “VSG compatible” signal outputting balanced 0V ± 5V. The unit is highly durable and can withstand environmental vibration and shock typically associated with commercial aerospace requirements. The unit has no inherent wear-out modes for long life and the rate output is also free from bias steps.
The MEMS G150Z gyro is offered as 100°/s, 175°/s or 300°/s rate range.The unit is temperature compensated for bias and offers g-sensitivity correction. The scale factor, bias, misalignment and temperature sensor thermal data are supplied with each unit. Check out our other sensors here.