The G300D Gyro represents Gladiator’s breakthrough gyro technology enabling an ultra low noise tri-axis MEMS gyro and bandwidth of 250Hz that has performance commensurate with much more expensive small Dynamically Tuned Gyros. It also features industry leading bias in-run and bias over temperature.
The unit is highly durable and can withstand environmental vibration and shock typically associated with commercial stabilization and aerospace requirements. The MEMS G300D gyro is offered at 100°/s or 300°/s rate range. The unit is temperature compensated for bias and offers g-sensitivity correction. The scale factor, bias, misalignment and temperature sensor thermal data are supplied with each unit.
Utilizing Gladiator's proprietary design, precision manufacturing and automated test processes enable this sensor to have performance that far exceeds that of many other competing MEMS sensors. Check out our other sensors here.