Gis Design has created and developed the ALBATROS application, specifically designed for managing existing air navigation obstacles and analyzing local data of airport interest. ALBATROS is an expansion of the GIS (Geographic Information System) software, also working in Open-Source, that allows the management of existing obstacles, in addition to the possibility to identify new ones by means of three-dimensional analysis made by the software itself. This allows the airport manager to spare time and costs of service supply.
The main features of the software are:
Insert or/and modify attribute data through simple frontend, where the different options have been configured to be as guided as possible;
Insert new elements that may constitute an obstacle by pointing the video cursor in the map window or by means of textual coordinate input;
View cartographic data and obstacles in 2d and 3d;
Interact with specific digital terrain models and obstacles delimitation surfaces, allowing to immediately check the eventual over quota also determining the metric entity;
Evaluate the feasibility of new structures or infrastructure inside the airport;
Make printed reports (e.g. for monitoring purposes) of all the data of interest of each obstacle managed, having the possibility of customization using text and images (e.g. the manager’s logo).