Time & Attendance Dongle – Optional Module for UNIS Access Control Software, USB Dongle, Shares Common Database, Shift Configuration – 99 Shifts Flexible Shift Schedules (9999 Patterns), Transaction Reports, Summary Reports Customer Report Layouts, Output to Payroll
UNIWORK T&A is a Module of the UNIS Access Control Software and Shares a Common Database (USB Dongle Required)
Shift Configuration
Limited to 99 Shifts
Each Shift has a Start and End Time
Define when an Employee is Late or Leaves Early
Multiple Shifts can be Worked on 1 Day
A Shift can have up to 5 Breaks Per Day
A Shift can Commence on the Previous Day (Paid on Day OUT) or End on the Following Day (Paid on Day IN)
Flexible Shift Scedules (9999 Patterns can be Created)
Monitor Lateness
Calculate Hours Worked by Rate
Auto Process Transactions
Modify Clock-In and Hours
Custom Report Layouts
Transaction Reports
Summary Reports (Late, Early Departure, Absenteeism, Break Time)
Output to Payroll (Requires Regional Customisation)