AMDT is a zero-emission 100% Electric Multi Directional Transporter dedicated to Airport Cargo operations.
AMDT is Compatible with all types of ULDs, and has a Payload up to 7T. It offers greater maneuverability, thanks to Gaussin's unique Multi Mode steering system - proven in many industries over 20 years.
Utilizing the same equipment for both outdoor airfield and indoor cargo terminal storage, the AMDT enables the transfer of ULDs and pallets directly from the aircraft loader to the storage area of cargo terminals.
Compatible with all airport equipment and infrastructure
AMDT's lifting and automatic adjustment systems allows full compatibility with all types of loading equipment and infrastructure for collection and transfer of ULDs and pallets.
Designed to optimize operations in cargo terminals
AMDT's unique independent 4-wheel steering system and Zero-degree turning radius enables operations in very narrow environments, with unrivalled precision.
Automatic transfer
AMDT is offered as standard-equipped with motorized rollers to automatically transfer ULDs and pallets, avoiding dangerous and tedious tasks.
Built to meet operations and maintenance requirements
By completely rethinking the design for luggage and cargo transportation in airports, we were able to reduce the number of moving parts and improve accessibility for preventive maintenance operations.
Industry exclusive ergonomics
With industry leading door width and generous height for easy entry and exit, our cabin prioritises ergonomics from the very beginning.