With the innovative user interface, profiles can be defined by simply using the softkeys and mouse. Interaction is, therefore, easy and immediate even for operators with no specific programming knowledge. A wide range of fixed drilling cycles and complex cycles for the pocket milling of any profile complete the package.
ISOGRAPH is a 2½D CAD/CAM with a highly innovative user interface that is especially suited to the workshop environment. It is ideal when machining operations must be programmed and executed rapidly, such as the machining of pockets, smoothing, machining of profiles, drilling, boring. Isograph can be perfectly integrated on the FIDIA Numerical Control, but its potential can also be appreciated in stand-alone use on an ordinary Personal Computer. The use of soft keys and the mouse allow for easy and immediate interaction by all operators, with no specific knowledge of programming being required.
ISOGRAPH can be used to:
define geometric profiles
manage ISO files
import geometric elements written in DWG/DXF formats
import files written in IGES format
employ a powerful programming language
generate contouring of open or closed profiles
generate paths for re-machining of residual material
generate fixed drilling, tapping and boring cycles
machine pockets with a rectangular, circular or general profile
generate smoothing cycles from the dialogue window
write and simulate CNC procedures