The FZ37 portal milling machine has a modular design which allows diff erent operating ranges and the
use of diff erent makes of CNC controls. The gantry construction with fi xed side walls, a fi xed clamping
table and overhead portal that travels in the X-direction makes it possible to machine components of all
kinds. The machine table of the FZ37 is fi rmly anchored to the machine base providing a stable cutting
surface for material. The milling process is highly precise, regardless of weight and size. The moving
parts, consisting of the structurally rigid portal, the cross- and Z-slides and the dynamic VH20 or
VH30 milling heads, facilitate a consistent, efficient milling process. Thanks to their combination of high
stability and rigidity the machines are able to meet all the requirements of model making, tool and mold
construction, including the demands of the aerospace and automotive industries. The versatile 5-axis
FZ37 is also suitable for machining of workpieces in shipbuilding and the alternative energy industry.