Among the various factors that may affect the successful installation of a GPS system, the correct positioning of the receiving antenna is among the most influential.
The diagnostic system in this sense is often lacking and sometimes, any reception problems are difficult to interpret.
The model ELRM GPS, was created to provide valuable support during the installation phase, the following checks on the received signal quality and features some of the GPS receiver.
The data logging feature enables you to capture and store 12 hours of GPS signals from satellites in transit, making possible an accurate assessment of the positioning of the antenna, isolating possible causes of interference in the GPS signal, in specific zones fascia.
During the acquisition, the instrument must be powered, but not necessarily connected to a computer. A non-volatile memory presides over the internal storage of data acquired for post-processing operations. The resident software graphically presents data on the validity of the received signal from the satellites in transit for analysis in the time interval considered.
The unit also makes available an output signal 1PPS direct, derived from the radio section and not artificially reconstructed, in order to verify, eg, the accuracy of the 1PPS signal generated by the GPS receiver present in plant.
Key features
GPS L1 12 channels with function traim
Exit 1 PPS extremely accurate, synchronization from GPS or UTC entro ± 20 ns pk-pk
Determination of the quantization error for the improvement of the accuracy of time
Support antennas 5 Was (other voltages available on request)
Porta Ethernet standard 10/100 Base-T