ERIS Airport Control System (ERIS-A) is an information system for airport surveillance and surface movement control developed in accordance with A-SMGCS standards. Its modular and open architecture, with standardized interfaces, enables it to be easily tailored to customers’ needs and integrated into existing ATC environments.
Depending on the operational needs, the ERIS-A may either provide surveillance service or it can be expanded with safety support service with RIMCAS (Runway Incursion Monitoring and Collision Avoidance System), CATC (Conflicting ATC Clearances) and CMAC Conformance Monitoring Alerts for Controllers) warning functions.
ERIS-A is also introducing an innovative, yet cost-effective solution called “Common Ground Surveillance System” intended for small or regional airports without surface movement radars. Such ERIS-A solution brings in an alternative capability of detecting non-cooperative objects (airplanes, vehicles, or persons) moving in defined areas of an airport for both ATC and security surveillance needs.
Key features
Airport traffic control at the airport’s operating and apron areas.
Presentation of surveillance output data and related flight information.
Airport Safety Support Services
RIMCAS - Generate alerts when detecting potentially conflicting situations between moving objects in the air or on operating areas.
CATC - Monitoring the issuance of permits and their time sequence.
CMAC - Monitoring the execution of issued permits and compliance with the real situation.