Ovens for the aeronautic, aerospace and defence industry
Elmetherm has years of experience in the manufacturing of industrial ovens for the aeronautic, aerospace and defence industries
Our batch ovens, continuous ovens, vertical ovens, paternosters, rotating ovens and other thermal equipments are used for the following applications :
Polymerization, curing and drying oven for forming of composite material
Oven for explosive and pyrotechnic composition tests
Polymerization oven and stabilization oven for products made of resin, silicone and plastic materials
Preheating by infrared for formingparts in carbon fibre and fibreglass
Polymerisation oven for Kevlar fibre
Drying oven with temperature and hygrometry control
Oven for curing and dryingpaint and powder coatings
Preheating of moulds for press
Drying and polymerisation oven for glues and coatings
Special oven for the heating and bending of carbon panels.