The eCoach Enterprise edition is a complete ATC training simulator containing both a simulator suite and a complete ATC system.
The simulator suite contains:
ATC Environment Simulator (AES)
Exercise Designer (ED) to create and modify exercises
Pseudo Pilots (PP) to control simulated flights, vehicles etc.
Training Session Supervisor (TSS) to control and monitor exercises
Voice Communication System (VCS)
The simulator is capable of running multiple exercises in parallel using different airspace and environment data. Pilot positions and controller working positions can be dynamically assigned to an exercise, even when the exercise is already running. Exercise and voice data is recorded and can be retrieved for synchronized playback and/or to resume an exercise at a given time.
The ATC system contains:
Flight data processing system
Surveillance data processing system
Voice Communication System (VCS)
Controller Working Positions
Controller Working Position (CWP) features:
Surveillance Display
Radar tracks
SMGCS view
Safety nets:
Minimum Safe Altitude Warning
Short Term Conflict Alert
Area Penetration Warning
Jurisdiction Mismatch Warning
Controller tools
Flight Data Display
Flight Data Lists
Option: Strip printing
Option: Electronic Flight Strips
Information System
Parking System
User Interface is highly adaptable to customer wishes