Advanced X-Band Solid-State Surface Movement Radar
Easat’s Surface Movement Radars (SMR) provide high-performance surface movement radar surveillance in all weather conditions at airports worldwide. They can be employed either as stand-alone systems or integrated into Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control Systems (A-SMGCS).
Easat's X band SMR is a 2D solid- state fully coherent digitally pulse (20ns) compressed radar, providing airport operators with state-of-the-art performance and very high reliability.
The solid-state transceiver combined with Easat's range of Linear Array or Reflector Antennas provides the end-user with a range of highly sophisticated radar sensor options.
Easat offers market leading sensor packages with range resolution of 3m and exceptional ability to detect small targets in moderate to severe clutter environments (heavy rain, snow, ice, etc).
Easat’s EA16038 solid state transceiver is available in single or redundant / dual unit configuration – designated EA16038D – as pictured below.
Key Benefits
Linear array or reflector antenna
Circular polarisation for weather penetration and Inverse Cosec2 beamshape to minimise effects of rain clutter
Solid state transceiver - frequency selection across 9.0 to 9.5 GHz X-band for maximum flexibility
Parallel feed array - no squint with frequency
Sub 0.33 degree azimuth beamwidth
Gain: 35.5 dBi at 9.5GHz
Rotation rate (typical): 60 rpm