Scanning up to 1,200 bags per hour (BPH), the eXaminer XLB is the first certified system to meet the industry’s high-speed EDS classification and achieve EU Standard 3 approval under the Common Evaluation Program of Security Equipment (CEP).
Featuring industry-leading 3-D Continuous Flow CT technology, the eXaminer XLB quickly and accurately scans entire bags and automatically assesses explosive threats. Operators can view high-resolution 3-D images of alarmed bags in their entirety or individual threat objects from any angle to help resolve alarms quickly and confidently.
The eXaminer XLB retains the footprint of the eXaminer 3DX, allowing for easy installation and integration with current baggage handling systems. Flexible networking options link multiple eXaminer systems of any configuration (SX, 3DX and XLB) with their respective operator and search workstations over a secure network, enabling airports to realize the lowest possible staffing and operating costs.
EU/ECAC Standard 3 CEP approved
Throughput up to 1.200 Bags/Hour
The only certified system in the high-speed category
Dual energy CT
Meter-wide tunnel