The Dytran series 3062 is an IEPE piezoelectric accelerometer expressly designed to cover most wide band frequency vibration measurement points of Rotor, Track and Balance (RTB); airframe; helicopter; and fixed wing aircraft. The industry has commonly referred to these sensors as "spark plug type", due to their similar appearance.
Available in various sensitivities the 3062 series features a hermetically sealed stainless steel construction for use in high humidity and dirty environments, as well as case isolation to avoid EMI/ground loop interference. Units feature an axial mounted military style 3–pin Bayonet connector, 1/4–28 mounting threads and lockwire holes.
Stainless steel
Case isolated
Spark–plug shaped accelerometer package
Wide–band frequency aircraft/airframe vibration measurements
Health and Usage
Monitoring Systems (HUMS)
Rotor, Track and Balance (RTB)
Transmission vibration measurements
Commercial and military helicopter vibration monitoring
eVTOL flight test