Max flight time 90 minutes
Max flight speed 75km/h
Max urindspeed constant 25kts; 28kts gusting
Crulse speed up to 43km/h (12m/s)
Range upto 40km
Operational radius of 15km
Operational ceiling 10,000m AMSL
Minimum cov/ert height 50m
Température limits -10°C to +40°C
Real-time telemetry link
Automatic launch and landing
Various autonomous modes
Paint job customizable
Weight 2.2 to 2.5 kilos
Wingspan up to2.5m
length 719 mm
Li-ion battery
interchangeable sensor modules
Payload conform customer spécification
Classical ISR - tactical observation, mapping and charting
Infrastructure control - critical infrastructure monitoring
thermal and visible light search; coordinate estimation
Surveylng and remote senslng - orthomosalc. photo-grammetry. mapping and surveying