DBM Technologie designs and manufactures high performance metal insulation claddings for temperature up to 1200°C.
Insulation claddings are made of inner and outer stainless steel sheets with thicknesses from 0.15 to 2mm. These sheets encase high performance insulation materials.
Adapted solution for :
Single parts (prototypes)
Serial production
Advantages :
High mechanical and vibration resistance
Excellent fluid splash and spill resistance
Reliability and robustness
Adapted solution for large-size parts where 3D-shaped insulation is not optimal
Logistics is simplified for serial production : thermal insulatin claddings are delivered without having to send parts to be insulated to DBM Technologie's facilities
Easy and fast to remove and reinstall : time saving on customer's assembly line.
Hybrid solution : rigid and flexible elements possible.
Typical applications :
Engine environment, manifolds and turbochargers, exhaust pipes, SCR, DPF, etc...
Industrial thermal protection
Protections against burns