Program for Automatic Generation of Datalink Trends
PAGODA is a tool for monitoring the quality of Datalink communication services and to simplify data analysis. The system evaluates datalink operation, deals with troubleshooting and anomalies and enables the user to predict various trends.
ANSPs providing ATN Datalink services according to EC Regulation EC No 29/2009 should, with respect to paragraph 6 of this regulation:
“ATS providers shall monitor the quality of service of communication services and verify their conformance with the level of performance required for the operational environment under their responsibility.”
And there are other good reasons for monitoring of Datalink Performance. The Datalink communication chain relies on Communication Service Providers (CSPs ARINC and SITA) and ANSPs must keep checking, that quality of their service conforms to the requirements stated. With increasing percentage of CPDLC connected aircrafts there is also need for ATM system independent monitoring of Datalink function in real time, to indicate potential problems sooner than ATCOs start to complain.
Real-time parsing and processing of Datalink related logs from ANSP ATM system (with ability to adapt to particular ANSP environment)
Inserting and merging of all messages/events to dedicated database with pre-processing
Processing of the database data with aim to generate required metrics