Validation of Air Traffic Control (ATC) system functionalities on validation platforms often requires an artificial target generated with complete control over its behaviour; or even an artificial target injected to the real surveillance data. For such purposes, CS SOFT developed two validation tools intended for air and ground surveillance. These tools can be used either by ANS provider, or by system developers.
No need to wait for particular situation in live traffic. User can simulate any situation and target configuration.
Quicker validation of ATC system on development platform without blocking simulator positions.
Effective testing of functions and configuration of Safety Nets.
Replace validation of ATC system with live traffic or recorded situations.
S - Pilot tool is intended for simulation of SSR or Mode-S targets in Asterix Category 001/002 or 034/048. The tool enables an
easy preparation of several target scenarios, by means of configuration file. When running, the tool offers an easy control interface, by which operator has control over the target´s behavior, including setup of non-standard technical attributes of target detection. Generation and control over Mode-S DAPs (Downloaded Aircraft Parameters in BDS registers) is available.
Tool is intended for simulation of targets for A-SMGCS type of systems. It generates Asterix Category 010 data. Offline database allows for preparation of airfield significant points. These points serve for definition of named taxi routes. Offline scenarios allow for preparation of situations:
Arrival. Target appears airborne at FAF, lands, taxies to selected stand.