CS SOFT ground based Safety Nets provides air traffic controllers with a prior warning about a possible disruption in air traffic safety. Sophisticated algorithms of evaluation protect Air Traffic Controllers (ATCOs) against false warnings and do not increase their workload. The system, due to its standardised interface, can be seamlessly integrated in any Air Traffic Control (ATC) system.
CSS Safety Nets may be parameterization for dierent parts of airspace. Thus it will ensure the optimal operation of Safety Nets even in complex environment with different characteristics and operation modes.
INTERFACESStandardized interface of input and output information facilitates quick and smooth integration in any air traffic control system. In case of special integration requirements, CSS Safety Nets system features a concept of modular interfaces which allow connecting more systems according to the proprietary client’s needs.
OFF-LINE SUPPORT OF TRY & DECIDE PARAMETERIZATIONThe system operators can immediately verify its behaviour within different parameterizations. This way simplifies and accelerates otherwise complicated system of parametrization and reduces level of uncertainty during changes in the system settings.
EUROCONTROL SPECIFICATION COMPLIANCEThe processes of parameterization for Safety Nets regions and the system configuration fully compy with Eurocontrol recommendations.