ProLB is an innovative digital fluid dynamics solution based on the Lattice-Boltzmann method. It carries out intrinsically transitory simulations of very complex flows within competitive timeframes.
Thanks to its precise aerodynamic and aeroacoustic modeling, ProLB allows engineers to make design decisions in the early stages of a project that optimize and shorten the product development process.
ProLB offers the following functionalities:
High-Fidelity Large Eddy Simulations
HPC cluster processing at highly competitive speeds
Open, customizable numerical models via LBphysics
Competitive, flexible licensing system that is not restricted to the number of processors used
Optimized pre-processing with LBpre, an intuitive, ergonomic and fully scriptable interface
Volume mesh generated automatically and very rapidly
Free post-processing tool
ProLB has been developed by CS GROUP, Renault, Airbus, Aix Marseille Université, Ecole Centrale Lyon and Sorbonne University with support from other industrial and academic partners.