CSoIP responds to the challenges of modernization and IP migration of civilian and military air traffic control voice communications infrastructure.
highly available distributed architecture (99.999%), reliable software at level SWAL3 (ED153)
cyber-secure architecture and product
outstanding modularity and adaptability meeting the radio and telephone needs of sites of all sizes (1 - 240 positions) for En Route, Approach and Tower applications and main, emergency and final recourse systems.
The CSoIP range makes it possible to support ANSPs and MoDs as they modernize their voice communications infrastructure:
Gradual migration of facilities thanks to ED137 architecture. Investments spread over time
Integration of IP and non-IP radio and phone communications, L16 and satellite links, and the cryptography used by the client
Hardware adapted to operational and tactical centers (TEMPEST),
Deployment of cybersecurity, management of communication service quality
Adhesion of controllers and engineers thanks to ergonomic HMIs deployed on modern, high-performance hardware
Hardware and software maintenance, cybersecurity and effective modular logistical support for a very long lifespan. Long-term return on investment.