This tactical system is an operational C2 (Command & Control) node (a non-C2 version is also available). STARLINX can easily be integrated into NCW (Network Centric Warfare) operations and allows complete participation in real or simulated TDL networks.
STARLINX has a broad spectrum of C2 functions, such as setting up and managing a tactical situation (multi-link surveillance), digital control of effectors, the coordination and management of weapons and the exchange of orders. Ergonomic interfaces greatly facilitate these interactions.
Its on-going development process and make it possible for STARLINX to take part in all types of operations: Air-to-Air, GBAD (Ground Based Air Defense), ASI-ALI (Air Surface Integration), ASW (Anti-submarine Warfare), ASuW (Anti-surface Warfare), and even BMD (Ballistic Missile Defense).