The Cool City HAP-100 Helicopter Autopilot System is a two-axis (roll/pitch) rate/attitude based AP. The HAP-100 brings unparalleled performance and safety to light and medium-sized rotorcraft at a fraction of the cost of systems that were designed many years ago.
The HAP-100 provides a two-axis rate/attitude-based autopilot system, increasing the pilot’s ability to handle the workload extremes of the rotorcraft cockpit environment. Available modes of the HAP-100 include: HDG (heading mode), IAS (indicated airspeed), ALT (altitude hold), VS (vertical speed), LNAV (lateral navigation), and VNAV (vertical navigation).
In addition, an autopilot failure will still leave the pilot with the option of Force Trim mode to hold the cyclic in the position of engagement; therefore, the pilot still has the ability to remove his hands from the cyclic for a short period for other duties without the worry of the helicopter deviating from the intended path.
As designed, the Cool City HAP-100 will interface with essentially all models of installed attitude gyros, electronic flight instrument systems, and/or air data systems with outputs for the digital flight control system.