Advanced Command and Control Software. ViewPoint is a ground-based control software application that displays video and command/control for Cloud Cap Technology TASE imaging payloads.
User Friendly Graphical Interface
Click map or video to autonomously point payload at specific GPS location on the ground
Interactive map displays location and payload sensor footprint on ground. Satellite, streets and maps, or any user supplied map supported.
NTSC or PAL recording. Playback includes video, GPS time, plus payload and sensor footprint GPS locations
Moving Map Display
Moving target indicator provides easy operator identification of targets overlayed in ViewPoint window
Create video file (AVI output) from recorded files
Supports CCT plug-ins and 3rd party plug-in architecture
Supports IP connection and web serving using MJPEG compression
Plugins: VideoSim Plugin Provides training , demonstration, testing and development suport. Antenna Plugin Provides an integrated solution to either Piccolo Command Center (PCC) or the payload user interface (ViewPoint) for control of a third party positioner
Feature Rich Imaging Software
Object Tracking - The TASE payload will autonomously track selected objects such as people, cars, trucks or other objects moving in the scene based on image match within a user adjustable target box.
Geo-Stamp - allows the operator to designate areas of interest by simply pressing a key or touching the screen. The incident is tagged on a map, a still image is taken and the location is logged in a separate incident folder. This feature is invaluable when a still-image of an object/feature is needed for later reference.