The 935 Series of tactical Direction Finders (DF) provides a range of integrated DF Antenna solutions for bus-controlled and stand-alone direction finding systems. 935 DFs include an integral synthesised receiver covering the frequency range 30 MHz - 470 MHz, together with five Guard Receivers to monitor pre-defined distress frequencies. Bearings may be taken on all six receivers simultaneously. Data decoding is provided for COSPAS-SARSAT messages and for marine DSC messages on the associated Guard Receivers. There is also the option to select sonobuoy bandwidth for DF to sonobuoys.
Marine DSC decoding
Discrete outputs OTPI and distress alert
Compatible with Chelton 715-40 DF Controller
When used with a Personnel Locator System (PLS) Interrogator, a 935 DF system has the capability to operate with Personnel Survival Radios (PSR), such as the AN/PRC-112 and PRC-434, to provide range and bearing information. In addition, the system can provide the bearing coordinates from an embedded Global Positioning System (GPS) in the URX3000 PSR. Bearings are taken in one of two Customer selectable modes: Search and Rescue (SAR) and Combat SAR (CSAR).
Discrete outputs are provided for on-top position indication (OTPI) and distress alert.
Minimum Frequency
Maximum Frequency
Full Dimensions LxWxH mm
286 x 286 x 90
Mass kg
Connector Type
MS3114-16-26P, GB711 5009-1, GB711 5009-2