Cargospot Quotes is an optional feature which enhances your Cargospot experience. It streamlines the process of quotes creation, authorization, distribution to your customer and, upon acceptance, automated conversion of the quote into a booking.
The automated customized workflow reduces process times
Staff time spent on quotes related email and phone exchanges is minimized
Flight and rate information is linked to provide the best offer
Your customer can accept or reject quotes without contacting the airline
At a glance
Streamlines - Acceptance of the quote automatically creates a booking
Flexible - The workflow can be tailored for each customer
Adaptive - Can be integrated to other non-CHAMP systems through its Open APIs
Multilingual - The process can be conducted in multiple languages
Speeding up the quotes process to close the deal more quickly
Captures and manages quotes to limit the time and effort spent by your staff in administrative tasks is significantly reduced, freeing them up to work on activities that add more value.
Details of the quote are presented to the sales agent with the most appropriate flight options, allowing them to select the flights and the rates that will make up the quote.
Customized workflows ensure proposed quotes receive any necessary authorizations before being sent to the customer.
Customers can automatically accept (or reject with reasons) the quote, allowing Cargospot to convert the quote into a booking without further staff action.
No need to search e-mail trails anymore - all information about the quote is in one place, showing the history of negotiations and the final results