TRAXON Global Security (TGS) is CHAMP’s brand new platform that is designed to help carriers and forwarders manage their Pre-Loading Advance Cargo Information (PLACI) filing to comply with the Air Cargo Advance Screening (ACAS) in the United States.
Carriers and/or freight forwarders simply send their consignment data as CargoIMP FWB and single HWB FHL messages to TGS in advance of loading. TGS then sends the required data for assessment and handles the returned responses, translating the security event codes into meaningful status information upon which the filing trader can act.
Simplifies complexity of message exchange with partners
Increases operational efficiency and saves time
Implementation is streamlined by CHAMP - assisting in the setup and alignment with Security authorities and cut over operations.
Reduces the risk of security “holds”
Scales with future security requirements, additional countries or regions
To be compliant with future PLACI legislation in other regions, including European Union Pre-Loading Consignment Information for Secure Entry (PRECISE), and Canada Pre-Load Air Cargo Targeting (PACT)
At a glance
Fast - speeds up communication with security authorities
Cost saving – reduces costs and complexity through a single interface
Proactive – notifies the filer and/or their handling partners of status changes
Easy – plug & play application, simple & easy to integrate with your current cargo application
Full audit trail – of security reports and responses
More than just a tool for PLACI filling, TGS offers also:
Additional features that enable the filer or handling partner to add additional information when needed