The CK 23VE offers a unique combination of fixed wings and vertical take-off and landing.
Therefore, no infrastructure or launching and recovery systems are needed.
The fixed wings design allows high speed and long endurance.
100% electrical propulsion, the extremely low noise of the CK 23VE make it well adapted for
ISR missions.
With a MTOW of only 25 kg and a payload capacity of 5 kg, it offers a long endurance up to 3h00 battery life upon payload (4h15 optional with 2 kg payload).
General specifications :
Structure Fixed wings
Length : 1850 mm
Wingspan : 3200 mm
Fuselage height : 500 mm
Cruise speed : 60-120 km/h
MTOW : 25 kg
Max weight payload : 5 kg
Take-off and landing : VTOL
Max altitude : 3500 m (up to 5000m with propeller option)
Endurance : up to 3 hour (4,5 hour optional)
Propulsion : 100% electrical
Control modes : 100% automated (take-off and landing)
Data link : 40 km (standard), up to 140 km optional
Video frequency : 2,4 – 2,5 GHz (other options available)
Control frequency : 433 - 453 MHz (other options available)